"It's about the need to change direction now."
Compared to the other 49 states,
New Jersey ranks at or near the bottom on almost every key indicator:
1st Highest
in Property Taxes 1
1st Highest
in More Residents Moving Out than In 2
2nd Worst
in Overall Fiscal Health 3
3rd Worst
in Highways and Bridges 4
4th Highest
for 4-Year State College Tuition 5
5th Worst
in Economic and Job Growth 6
6th Worst
for Retirement 7
6th Worst
for Making a Living 8
7th Highest
in Cost of Living 9
8th Worst
for Doing Business 10
8th Worst
in State Debt Compared to Revenue 11
Downgraded 9 Times
in State Credit Rating since 2011 12
(among the worst in the U.S.)

"We must overhaul how New Jersey operates before it's too late..."

New Jersey’s downward spiral will continue unless we:
• End the senseless pattern of short term crisis management, partisan stalemate, and vetoes in Trenton;
• Fix how we tax, spend, invest, and operate to make N.J. more affordable and attractive to live and work in;
• Map a new direction that includes multiple and bold actions to secure N.J.’s future.
To resolve our fiscal and economic crisis, we must implement an integrated strategy to:
• Stop the vicious cycle of endless debt created by borrowing from dedicated obligations like pensions and highway repairs as a means to close state budget gaps, and honor these commitments instead;
• Scrutinize the state budget, prioritize N.J.’s essential needs, and cut and freeze spending accordingly;
• Lower property taxes by encouraging voters to support more shared services among the state’s 565 towns to eliminate major cost-inefficiencies;
• Revamp state government to be cost-effective, streamlined, and run more like a business;
• Expand our tax base by attracting new businesses with demonstrated, cost-effective incentives to create more jobs and increase revenue (another key to lower property taxes); and
• Make high impact investments like the N.J. – N.Y.C. Gateway Tunnel Project (with federal help) to create an economic boom that spurs jobs, revenues, home values, and our connection to a world capital.

"We must reclaim our forward progress and quality of life."
To get back on track, fixing N.J.’s fiscal mess must be our top priority. Once there, we can address major needs that have too long been sidelined. In addition to pushing for our area’s fair share of state dollars, our vision includes:
Affordability for Seniors: Seniors are leaving N.J. in droves because of failed tax policies; we must restore the Senior Property Tax Rebate and develop other measures so seniors can stay in their homes.
Flooding Abatement: We must make investments to stop ongoing, serious flooding in our towns; waiting for the next weather calamity is not an answer.
Quality Education: Pre-school and full day kindergarten, high school internships, and enhanced vocational training opportunities will make education in N.J. cutting-edge.
Making State | Public College Tuition Affordable: It’s essential that we lower N.J. state college tuition costs to be more competitive with public college costs in other states.
Transportation: We must fully replenish the Transportation Trust Fund and set priorities to repair and build roads, bridges, and mass transit to alleviate traffic and unsafe conditions.
Attention to Those with Special Needs: By using existing resources more efficiently and applying community-based approaches, we can improve both the availability and quality of care.
Environment | Open Space: Energy efficiency and environmental sustainability are quality of life priorities; voters must have a voice in how a balance in open space and development is achieved.
Championing Small Business and Our Downtowns: With almost two thirds of all new jobs coming from small businesses, cutting red tape and revitalizing our downtowns are key.
1) Aimee Picchi, “9 States With the Highest Property Taxes,” cbsnews.com, 4/8/15; 2) Susan Adams, “States People Are Fleeing,” forbes.com, 1/13/15; 3) Samantha Marcus, “How New Jersey’s Fiscal Woes Stack Up to Other States,” nj.com, 7/8/15; 4) David Hartgen, "21st Annual Highway Reports: State-by-State Results,”reason.org, 2014; 5) “2014-15 In-State Tuition and Fees at Public 4 Year Institutions by State,” collegeboard.com, 2015; 6) “Economic Bust (or Bust), State by State," msn.com, 6/29/15; 7) Betsy Vereckey, “Where Are the Worst States for Retirement?”, bankrate.com, 3/23/15; 8) “Best and Worst States to Make a Living In,” Forbes.com, 4/2/13; 9) “America’s Top States for Business,” Cost of Living Column: cnbc.com, 6/24/14 ; 10) "America's Top States for Business 2014," 43. New Jersey, cnbc.com, 6/24/14; 11) “Worst Run Rankings Smack New Jersey for Public Debt,” nj1015.com, 12/8/14; 12) "New Jersey Cut by Moody's as Christie Gets Ninth Debt Downgrade," Bloomberg.com, 4/16/15.